Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Bear with a Twist or Twisted Bear?

I think this cute bear looks fine as it is but when it's used as a USB thumb drive, it looks quite suicidal!

Clockwise from top left to bottom left:
Now you can see the bear's 'hidden agenda'

See, I told you it looks suicidal!

Another view of the bear crashing its head into the CPU.

Haha. I was just thinking, if the owner paints a few streams of 'blood' flowing down, it'll look even more like a suicide. =P

For your info, this bear thumb drive was handmade. So, it's not sold in the market. The person who made this cut off the bear's head and stuck the USB thumb drive in. Tada! There you have it, a 'suicidal bear' thumb drive!

These are some pictures that I've collected on modified USB thumb drives. My favourite is the tie thumb drive. The only problem is, once you've plugged in, you can't go anywhere but to stay in your seat until you're done. Haha. Quite a good gadget for restless people who can't sit still.

More modified USB thumb drives. (People are really very free nowadays!) Hey, check out the 'belt' USB in the middle. Cool eh? =)

On a side note, has anyone tried out the 'go naked in less than 10 seconds technique' yet? How come no feedback? Hhhmm...

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