Monday, April 02, 2007

Get upgraded to first class for FREE!

All you have to do is just die on the plane.

LONDON (AP) — A first-class passenger on a flight from Delhi to London awoke find the corpse of a woman who had died in the economy cabin being placed in a seat next to him, British Airways said Monday.

The economy section of the flight was full, and the cabin crew needed to move the woman and her grieving family out of that compartment to give them some privacy, the airline said.

The first-class passenger, Paul Trinder, told the Sunday Times newspaper that he was sleeping during a February flight from India and woke up when the crew placed the dead woman in an empty seat near him.

"I didn't have a clue what was going on. The stewards just plonked the body down without saying a thing. I remember looking at this frail, sparrow-like woman and thinking she was very ill," the newspaper quoted Trinder as saying. "When I asked what was going on, I was shocked to hear she was dead."

British Airways said in a statement that about 10 passengers die each year in flight and that while each situation is dealt with on an individual basis, safety is paramount.

Poor thing. Imagine paying so much to sit in first class, only to find yourself being stuck with a decaying body for more than 5 hours. Sigh... I think I'll stick to economy class lah. Go AirAsia!

Anyway, if you still insist on travelling first class, try Singapore Airlines. They have 'corpse cupboards' on their planes. Anyone knows if MAS have this kind of 'similar facilities'?

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