Friday, February 09, 2007

The day the dam broke.

In case you wonder why I didn't blog.

See sun - 7:50am
See bed - 1:00am

See sun - 8:15am
See bed - 2:00am

See sun - 8:00am
See bed - 12:00am

See sun - 8:15am
See bed - 5:00am

See sun - 7:50am
9:30 am
Stupid gay colleague suddenly went crazy and threw threats at me just because I haven't had the time to look at his brief.

First sign of disaster - Water level rose to uncontrollable level.

SC (stupid colleague): Are you ok?
Me: No! Why are you being so difficult? (Trying to choke back my tears but failed)

Me: It's not that I don't want to read your job brief. (Gasping for breath, choking on tears) I have no time! I slept 3 hrs today and (Gasping for breath, choking on tears) came in to work by 9am because I can't finish my job.

Why are you threatening me? What did I do wrong? I'm actually quite easy to work with already. What do you want from me?


SC: Yea. You're right. It's just me. I'm so sorry! Sorry sorry. (Slowly walking away from me) Please forgive me.

[Flood continued terrorising my face for the next 30 minutes.
I had to hide in toilet.]

SC walked into my room again at 10:30am.
"Hey, I'm actually not that nasty one. We can talk if you want, k?"
If I'm not a Christian, you'll see me waving my longest finger at him.

Sigh. Approval for my job (I've been working on it since Monday) only came at 5pm just now.
Unfortunately, a lot of new jobs piled up.
Need to work from home during weekend.

Girls are usually more 'emo' (emotional) when they don't get enough sleep.

Lessons to be learnt
1. Sometimes, even man can have PMS-like symptoms (sudden anger & irrational behaviour).
2. Don't mess with someone who can really cry.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh... You poor thing. *sniff*

*pat CC's head*