Thursday, March 27, 2008

This is it.

This is my 200th post!
I made it. I persevered.

Perseverance pays.
A little like relationships sometimes.
First, you wait. --- Suffer like H-E-L-L
Then, you get together. --- Enjoy. But not for long.
Then, you stay on. And on. And on.
--- Suffer long time. Enjoy long time.

Spoke to my office receptionist this morning
while walking to the pantry to take water.

"My dear! You got engaged?" -- pointing at my ring.
"Haha... Yeah." -- nervous laughter, I'm so not used to this!

"I never had that, my father arranged my marriage." (She's Indian)
"He rushed everything..."

This is how he did it for her.
"First wednesday, the guy side came over." (To discuss marriage terms)
"Second wednesday, our side went over."
"Third wednesday, I finally met him."
"Fourth wednesday, we're married. One month only. Very fast."

Hhmmm... I wonder why Wednesdays ah. So weird.

Anyways, she never 'suffered' nor 'enjoyed' the waiting, and courtship.
I suffered... but now I enjoy. =)

Thank goodness my God and my father is not like her father.
Wouldn't want to rush these things.
They are meant to last for a lifetime.

A pat on my back. Yay.
So proud of myself.

1 comment:

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