Tuesday, October 14, 2008

A job that kills.

5 hours.
5 hours.
4 hours.
4 hours.

That was the amount of sleep I had
from Monday - Thursday last week.
All in all, 18 hours of sleep in four days.

Finally, the hurricane in office
has subsided (for now).
So, I got to catch up on my sleep
over the weekend.

Unfortunately, my happiness is shortlived.
Check out what I read this morning:

"Those whose nightly sleep fell from
seven hours to five hours or less were
1.7 times as likely to die (compared with those
who stayed at seven hours)
over the next 11 to 17 years.

Their risk of cardiovascular-related death
was DOUBLE."

Grr.... Oh great.
What I wanted was rest.
Not 'rest in peace'.

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