Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Why did God make little things cute?

Whoa! Really beh tahan (means 'cannot stand it'. Originated from Chinese dialect of Hokkien. The word "beh" means cannot in Hokkien while the word "tahan" means stand/uphold in Malay). How can something so scary (like cats) look so cute! How can one's heart not melt when they see these adorable eyes?

I don't like cats. To me, they're dirty (cause you can't bathe them!) and evil (because they usually act like a thief, 鬼鬼祟祟 - as though they've got something to hide).

Everyone who's close to me knows that I am not a big fan of cats, especially stray ones. My fear of cats started because of a bad experience.

Many years back, I dropped by my cousin's place for a visit. When I saw her, I freaked. Both of her eyes were red in colour, swollen & bulging. At first glance, I thought it's conjunctivitis (but it looked 3 times worse).

After she explained to me, I found out that her swollen eyes were caused by cats fleas. Yup. CAT FLEAS!

Do you know that cat fleas have phenomenal jumping abilities? It can jump 150 times higher than its own length. My cousin owns a cat and her cat's flea sort of jumped into my poor coussie's eyes, causing an allergy reaction. The memories of that horrible incident still haunt me till today.

So, imagine you sitting at a mamak (roadside stalls run by Indian Muslims) happily eating while those 'begging' cats keep swish swooshing underneath your table. Think of how many fleas are jumping up like Olympian high jumpers trying to latch on to your body! Arggh... I shuddered.

Anyway, while writing this post, I realised that a lot of things are cuter when they are young than when they're old. A very good example is 'all babies are cute but not all adults are'. Haha.

Maybe God knows that 'little things' are more susceptible to danger, that's why He made them cute(r) so that human beings would naturally feel responsible to love, care for and protect them.

To end this post, I wish to conclude that I still prefer dogs (and hermit crabs) over cats. Sorry kitties, you're cute but not cute enough. Try harder next time eh? =)

Thank God for cute things in life. They make life so much more enjoyable isn't it?

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