Monday, November 06, 2006

This is super freaky!

I think this is the freakiest picture I've ever seen in a long time.

Stare at it.

Can you see anything weird in the picture?

Is it just an old woman looking at a young one?

Eww... this is so disturbing.

Can you tell why I am so freaked out by the picture?


The 'woman' on the left is a ROBOT! (Arggghhh! Look so real!) This is madness. This android is called Repliee Q2, 'it' is developed in Osaka University. The young girl on the right is checking 'it' out.

Next time, when one of 'these' walk on the streets next to you, you won't be able to tell whether it is a real human or a distant relative of R2D2.


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