Monday, July 10, 2006

Long Live Football!

Hooray! World Cup has finally ended (can sleep in peace).

Even though that would mean no more argue over which team has cuter guys and gossip about famous footballer's pretty &/or plastic wives, I am happy because I foresee there'll be increased productivity in Malaysia (Haha. I sound like a minister from the cabinet).

This sport that has taken the world by storm has now ended. But the lessons learnt from the footballers or the 'real' essence of football will always remain. Below are some examples:

1) Butt-slapping - It's not just footballers that practise this. I think almost all sportsman or sportswoman like to do this with their teammates (e.g. badminton, basketball, hockey etc). Somehow, this action has evolved into a universal body language which means something like "That was good, keep it up" or if it's a heavier slap, it would mean something like "WOW dude, that was great! You totally crushed them!"

I used to wonder why they like butt-slapping as compared to back-patting (ratio is about 2:1 in a football match). But recently, I think I've 'found the answer' It's too tiring to pat other's backs because you have to raise your hand higher in order to do that. On the other hand, butt-slapping is easier, when your hand is down, it's parallel to the butt, thus less effort needed!)

2) Spit-spatting - You can be led beside quiet waters but don't simply lie down on green pastures (Haha... this is lame). But seriously, you don't want to do that because gallons of spit has already landed on the fields, unless of course you don't mind getting some 'sticky' treatment.

Anyway, up till today, I'm still puzzled on this one. I understand that spitting on the field is the easiest thing to do rather than running to the sides of the field to look for some trash cans to spit into (Imagine people scoring goals because the defenders and the goal keeper are busy running out to spit!), But I DON'T UNDERSTAND WHY even the managers and substitutes are seen doing it when all they've done is sitting there cheering for the team, zoning out or jump up and down when someone scores a goal!

If anyone knows why, please leave a comment and give your input. It'll be very enlightening.

3) Oopsy daisy! - You can't miss this one! Every match will definitely have people falling down (with all those spitting, of course slippery lah), in pain or injured (be it pure pretense or for real, it is generally preferred to be injured inside the penalty box) and most recently seen on the field - headbutt opponent on the chest!

Tada! There you have it, my personal tribute to the game of football. =)
See you, FIFA (2010), in South Africa!

1 comment:

ZMM said...

Do you know what?? I didn't know the World Cup is over until I saw your post??

Gosh.. I'm so outdated!